Wurde auch Zeit. Vielleicht haben bald die Tadao Liebhaber auf diesem Planeten die Möglichkeit ihre Tadao Boards der dann neuesten Generation immer auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten.
Hier ein Bild von der Tadao Website das den Yaukuza Board Prototypen mit Mini USB Schnittstelle zeigt. Ein wirklich großer Schritt nach vorn:
[ img ]
Und hier der englische Text auch von der Tadao Website:
For quite some time now I've been dabbling with USB support for my products, hoping to eventually make it possible for players to easily update, adjust, and save settings to their computer.
Well, I'm getting close! The below picture shows a new OEM project prototype that I've been working on, which has full USB 2.0 support and a mini-b USB connector. It is designed around a Yakuza OLED series board (screen module not shown)
In the current implementation it allows upgrades on both Mac OSX and Windows XP/Vista, and I am working on a full user interface that will allow you to change things like the boot screen, add your name to the board, save or load favorite settings and presets, and download diagnostics about your cycle timing, rate of fire, shots, and more. You won't need to mail in boards for updates ever again!
Expect to see this coming on new Yakuza OLED series products later this year.
EDIT: There will be no upgrade for existing Yakuza boards to use USB cables